Connate Water's expertise with drilling and installation will ensure that from start to finish your water supply well is properly constructed. Connate Water specializes in aquifer sourcing, water supply well design, geophysical log interpretation and aquifer testing. Click here to learn more about our hydrogeological and aquifer testing services!

Professional Hydrogeology Services

Our professional field services include sourcing, drilling oversight, step-testing, constant-rate aquifer testing and groundwater sampling. Within a project area, viable groundwater sources may include freshwater aquifers (<4,000 mg/L Total Dissolved Solids) or saline aquifers (>4,000 mg/L Total Dissolved Solids).

Our team of professional hydrogeologists develop comprehensive groundwater drilling and aquifer testing programs within Western Canada and Texas. Step-testing and constant-rate aquifer testing (pumping tests) are value-added services which help ensure the long-term viability of your newly constructed water supply well.  

We deliver great service with zero compromise on quality - everytime

Let us handle all your
water needs from start to finish!

Connate Water’s Water Supply Well Design and Aquifer Testing Services include:
⦁ Field Program Design, Installation and Project Management 
⦁ Field Geophysical Logging and Log Review
⦁ On-Site Logging of Drill Cuttings or On-Call with Drilling Subcontractor
⦁ Step-Testing and Constant-Rate Aquifer Testing (24-hour to 72-hour CRTs)
⦁ Observation Well Design and Placement
⦁ Aquifer Characterization and Sustainable Yield Recommendations

FAQ – Why does Connate Water always recommend drilling an observation well?
Observation wells allow for the collection of non-turbulent drawdown measurements during pumping and estimation of an aquifer storage parameter (storativity). This is extremely valuable for long term yield projections and multi-year resource development projects.

FAQ – Why do we recommend geophysical logging prior to installation?
Geophysical logging (using a gamma-ray & resistance tool) provides valuable information for confirming observed site lithology, identifying aquifer/aquitard thickness and regional correlation between wells.
